Tuesday, August 27, 2013

From our web site:

Bulbs and Broken bulbs

Bulbs come in different sizes, shapes, colors, brightness and longevity.  Some bulbs are interchangeable, some are not.  Here's how to make some bright decisions:
  • Buy name brand bulbs.  Off-brand bulbs may have the same wattage (watts say how much electricity it uses) but will not be the same brightness.  We've solved more than one lighting problem by simply having the customer use good bulbs.  Examples:  GE, Philips, Sylvania, Westinghouse.
  • If you change a burned out bulb and it still doesn't work, try a bulb from a working fixture.  If it doesn't work, be sure the bulb works when you put it................................

    A lot more info follows on CFL and LED bulbs also.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Penny wise, pound foolish

I don't know if it's because more homes are selling now, but we're getting more calls about home inspections where there's been improper, unsafe work done in the house.
Of course it could have been done before the current owner bought the house, but then usually the problems are listed in that old home inspection report.

"Oh, I had a neighbor friend help" or "the carpenter(/handyman/painter) said he could do it, no problem".
Well, it does become a problem when you're under pressure to sell your house and the work, time and expense to correct jeopardizes the closing.

Remember that a shortcut today can come back and haunt you when you least want it. 
And don't loose sight of the big picture: safety for your house and family.